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Name | Seamless Distribution of Data Centric Applications through Declarative Overlays |
Description | Conference : BDA 2011 Abstract : We present an approach based on peer-to-peer overlays which allows to distribute seamlessly data centric applications defined by queries over a centralized database. We consider applications in which the users have access to views, which contain horizontal fragments of the data of interest to them. The peer-to-peer overlays are defined by simple declarative programs in the Netlog language. The communication relies on implicit addresses, which can be evaluated on the fly, and ensure persistence of data in messages. We demonstrate the technique on a multiplayer online game, written in SQL, with players who connect to a mobile ad hoc network through their portable devices. The overlay is defined by a combination of an ad hoc routing protocol, DSDV, together with a DHT. The application runs on the QuestMonitor platform, which allows to monitor the communication between peers, the evolution of the local data stores, as well as the execution of the declarative code.
Filename | Seamless Distribution of Data Centric Applications through Declarative Overlays.pdf |
Filesize | 385.25 kB |
Filetype | pdf (Mime Type: application/pdf) |
Creator | ahmadkas |
Created On: | 06/15/2012 15:43 |
Viewers | Everybody |
Maintained by | Author |
Hits | 6 Hits |
Last updated on | 05/22/2013 10:14 |
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