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Declarative networking is the emerging approach for network management in ubiquitous environments. This approach abstracts the network as a distributed database and protocols as rule-based programs. The UBIQUEST project proposes to extend this approach by integrating network and application data management and by introducing declaratives global queries to full data-centric networking applications. Classical distributed optimization techniques can not be applied in our context. In this article we propose a new distributed optimization technique. NetCBR successfully exploits case-based reasoning and pseudo-random execution plan generation while allowing the personalization of optimization objectives according to application specic needs.
We propose a rule-based language, Netlog, to express distributed applications such as communication protocols or P2P applications in a declarative manner. The language extends Datalog with communication primitives, as well as aggregation and non-deterministic constructs, standard in network applications. Our contribution is twofold. First we dene a sound distributed xpoint semantics, which takes explicitly into account the in-node behavior as well as the communication between nodes, and solves semantic problems raised in declarative networking. Second, we show that syntactic restrictions over the programs can ensure polynomial bounds on the complexity (time and message) of the distributed execution. The language has been implemented and runs over a virtual machine, Netquest, which relies on a DBMS. Netlog programs are partly compiled into SQL queries, which makes them portable over heterogeneous architecture.